- Schechter, C. (2018). Enacting President Trump’s leadership contract with educators: Toward a communal leadership perspective. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 50(1), 32-40. (invited article for a special issue).
- Shaked, H.,* & Schechter, C. (2018). Leading wholes: Development of systems thinking among school leaders. Teachers College Record, 120(2).
- Ganon-Shilon, S.,* & Schechter, C. (in press). Principals’ sense-making of their leadership role during an educational reform implementation. International Journal of Leadership in Education.
- Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (in press). Systems thinking among enrollees in a principal preparation program. Journal of Research on Leadership Education.
- Schechter, C., Shaked, H.,* Ganon, S.,* & Goldratt, M. (2018). Leadership metaphors: Principals’ sensemaking of an educational reform. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(1), 1-26.
- Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (in press). Exploring systems thinking in school principals’ decision-making. International Journal of Leadership in Education.
- Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (in press). School middle leaders’ implementation of generally-outlined education reforms. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
- Shaked, H.,* Schechter, C., & Michalsky, T. (2018). Collaborative learning from personal cases in a principal preparation program. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 21(4), 479-490.
- Ganon-Shilon, S.,* & Schechter, C. (2017). Making sense while steering through the fog: Principals’ metaphors within a national reform implementation. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 25.
- Schechter, C., & Feldman, N.* (in press). Professional learning community in a special education school serving pupils with autism: The principal’s role. Journal of Special Education Leadership.
- Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (in press). Integrating learning from problems and learning from success in a principal preparation program. Planning and Changing.
- Cohen, R.,* & Schechter, C. (in press). The transition from teaching to vice-principalship: Examining the determinants in entering the role. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization.
- Michalsky, T., & Schechter, C. (2018). Teachers’ self-regulated learning lesson design: Integrating learning from problems and successes. The Teacher Educator, 53(2), 101-123.
- Benoliel, P., & Schechter, C. (2017). Is it personal? Teacher’s personality and the principal’s role in professional learning communities. Improving Schools, 20(3), 222-235.
- Feldman, N.,* & Schechter, C. (2017). Exploring the professional learning community in a special education school serving pupils with autism. International Journal of Special Education, 32(1), 2-36.
- Schechter, C., & Shaked, H. (2017). Leaving fingerprints: Principals’ considerations while implementing education reforms. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(3), 242-260.
- Benoliel, P., & Schechter, C. (2017). Promoting the school learning processes: Principals as learning boundary spanners. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 878-894.
- Shaked, H.,* & Schechter, C. (2017). School principals as mediating agents in education reforms. School Leadership and Management, 37(1&2), 19-37.
- Ganon-Shilon, S.,* Schechter, C. (2017). Making sense of school leaders’ sense-making. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 45(4), 682-698.
- Shaked, H.,* & Schechter, C. (2017). System thinking among school middle leaders. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 45(4), 699-718.
- Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2016). Systems thinking as an instructional leadership enabler. NASSP Bulletin, 100(4), 177-202.
- Schechter, C., & Qadach, M.* (2016). Promoting learning in schools: Principals’ learning mechanisms. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 15(2), 141-167.
- Shaked, H.,* & Schechter, C. (2016). The sources of systems-thinking in school leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 26(3), 468-494.
- Schechter, C. (2015). Toward collective learning in schools: Exploring U.S.A. and Israeli teachers’ perceptions of collective learning from success. International Journal of Educational Reform, 24(2), 160-184.
- Schechter, C., & Firuz, F.* (2015). How mentor principals interpret the mentoring process using metaphors. School Leadership and Management, 35(4), 365-387.
- Schechter, C., & Ganon, S.* (2015). Reforming schoolwork: The collective doubting perspective. International Journal of Educational Management, 29(1), 62-72.
- Schechter, C. (2014). Mentoring prospective principals: Determinants of productive mentor-mentee relationship. International Journal of Educational Reform, 23(1), 52-65.
- Schechter, C., & Atarchi, L.* (2014). The meaning and measure of organizational learning mechanisms in secondary schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 50(4), 577-609.
- Schechter, C., & Michael, O. (2014). Intern teachers’ and mentor teachers’ perceptions regarding learning from success during the internship year. Educational Practice and Theory, 36(1), 57-81.
- Schechter, C., & Michalsky, T. (2014). Juggling our mindsets: Learning from success as a complementary instructional framework in teacher education. Teachers College Record, 116(2), 1-48.
- Shaked, H.,* & Schechter, C. (2014). Systems school leadership: Exploring an emerging construct. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(6), 792-811.
- Michalsky, T., & Schechter, C. (2013). Preservice teachers’ self-regulated learning: Integrating learning from problems and learning from successes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 30(1), 60-73.
- Schechter, C. (2013). Collective learning in schools: Exploring the perceptions of leadership trainees. International Journal of Educational Management, 27(3), 273-291.
- Schechter, C., & Feldman, N.* (2013). Professional learning community in special education schools: The principal’s role. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(12), 785-791.
- Schechter, C., & Haviv, O.* (2013). School networks: From idea to practice. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 33, 75-96.
- Schechter, C., & Qadach, M.* (2013). From illusion to reality: Schools as learning organizations. International Journal of Educational Management, 27(5), 505-516.
- Shaked, H.,* & Schechter, C. (2013). Seeing wholes: The concept of system thinking and its implementation in school leadership. International Review of Education, 59(6), 771-791.
- Schechter, C. (2012). Developing teachers’ collective learning: Collective learning from success as perceived by three echelons in the school system. International Journal of Educational Research, 56, 60-74.
- Schechter, C. (2012). The professional learning community as perceived by Israeli school superintendents, principals, and teachers. International Review of Education, 58(6), 717-734.
- ** Schechter, C., & Asher, N.* (2012). Principals’ sense of uncertainty and organizational learning mechanisms. International Journal of Educational Management, 26(2), 138-152.** Translated into Chinese and published in Higher Education Press
- Schechter, C., & Ganon, S.* (2012). Learning from success: Exploring the sustainability of a collaborative learning initiative. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(6), 732-752.
- Schechter, C., & Qadach, M.* (2012). Toward an organizational model of change in elementary schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 48(1), 116-153.
- Schechter, C. (2011). Collective learning from success as perceived by school superintendents. Journal of School Leadership, 21(5), 478-509.** Selected by the Editor to be reprinted in the Journal of School Leadership 25th Anniversary Special Issue. Volume 25, Issue 3, May 2015
- Schechter, C. (2011). Switching cognitive gears: Problem-based learning and success-based learning as an instructional framework in leadership education. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(2), 143-165.
- Schechter, C. (2011). Towards communal negotiation of meaning in schools: Principals’ perceptions of collective learning from success. Teachers College Record, 113(11), 2415- 2459.
- Schechter, C. (2010). Learning from success as a leverage for professional learning community: Exploring a school improvement process. Teachers College Record, 112(1), 180-224.
- Schechter, C., & Feldman, N.* (2010). Exploring organizational learning mechanisms in special education. Journal of Educational Administration, 48(4), 490-516.
- Schechter, C. (2008). Exploring success-based learning as an alternative instructional framework in principal preparatory programs. Journal of School Leadership, 18(1), 62-95.
- Schechter, C. (2008). Organizational learning mechanisms: Its meaning, measure, and implications for school improvement. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44(2), 155-186.
- Schechter, C., Sykes, I., & Rosenfeld, J. (2008). Learning from success as leverage for school learning: Lessons from a national program in Israel. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 11(3), 301-318.
- Harari, I., Eldar, E., & Schechter, C. (2007). Significant events in teaching as perceived by novice teachers. Movement, 8(3-4), 335-360.
- Schechter, C. (2007). Learning mechanisms in schools: Conceptualization and empirical evidence. Educational Theory and Practice, 29(1), 47-59.
- Schechter, C. (2007). Perspectivism: An alternative research epistemology for the 21st century schools. Interchange – Quarterly Review of Education, 38(1), 1-13.
- Schechter, C. (2007). Towards a professional learning community: A critical discourse perspective. International Journal of Educational Reform, 16(2), 114-126.
- Schechter, C., & Tischler, I. (2007). Organizational learning mechanism and leadership succession: Key elements for a planned school change. Educational Planning, 16(2), 1-7.
- Schechter, C. (2006). Doubt, doubting and the principal’s role: Exploring an emerging perspective for school change. International Journal of Educational Reform, 15(1), 2-12.
- Schechter, C. (2006). Doubting schoolwork: Exploring an emerging concept. Teachers College Record, 108(12), 2517-2539.
- Schechter, C., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2006). Teachers’ sense of collective efficacy: An international view. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(6), 480-489.
- Schechter, C. (2005). Communal deliberation: The art of learning schools. International Journal of Educational Management, 19(3), 197-206.
- Schechter, C. (2005). Organizational learning mechanisms: Exploring a conceptual framework for organizational learning in schools. Journal of School Leadership, 15(5), 571-600.
- Schechter, C. (2004). Teachers’ perceived need to doubt: School conditions and the principal’s role. International Journal of Educational Management, 18(3), 172-179.
- Schechter, C., Sykes, I., & Rosenfeld, J. (2004). Learning from success: A leverage for transforming schools into learning communities. Planning and Changing, 35(3&4), 154-168.
- Eldar, E., Nabel, N., Schechter, C., Talmor, R., & Mazin, K. (2003). Anatomy of success and failure: The story of three novice teachers. Educational Research, 45(1), 29-48.
- Schechter, C. (2002). Authentic leadership in school communities. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 26, 69-92.
- Schechter, C. (2002). Deliberation: Communal negotiation of meaning in schools. Planning and Changing, 33(3&4), 155-170.
- Schechter, C. (2002). Marching in the land of uncertainty: Transforming school culture through communal deliberative process. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 5(2), 105-128.
- Schechter, C. (2001). The transition of retired military officers to a second career in education: The Israeli perspective. International Journal of Educational Reform, 10(3), 236-244.
- Schechter, C. (2001). Is this dialogue falling upon deaf ears? Exploring the deliberative process among school administrators. Journal of School Leadership, 11(6), 468-492.
Note: * indicates graduate student co-author.