Research Interests
- Leadership/Leadership Development/Preparation – Mentoring
- Organizational Learning – Professional Learning Community
- Collaborative Learning from Success/Reflective Practices
- Policy Reform Implementation and Sustainability in Accountability Systems
- System Thinking Leadership
- Organizational Theory and Practice/Innovative Organizational Frameworks
- Educational Change
- Collaborative Learning Strategies
- Leadership for Society – Leading for Social Mobility and Integration
Ongoing and Future Research Agenda
My major areas of ongoing and future research aim to foster real-time reciprocal connections between academic theory and research and the authentic needs of leadership practitioners in today’s turbulent and high-pressured educational environments, while collaborating with faculty members, graduate students, and policy-makers:
- Cultural, psychological, political, and contextual conditions that either foster or hinder learning communities in the context of accountability and high-stakes standards
- Comparative analysis of the principal’s and school middle-leaders’ roles in diverse cultures, in times of accountability. How do principals and mid-level leaders make sense of their leadership role during the implementation and sustainability of large-scale reforms?
- Mentoring in principal preparation programs and determinants for productive mentor-mentee relationships
- The characteristics and development of systems thinking in leadership education and in-service principals
- Technology-based simulation in leadership development as a reflective-collaborative process
- Collective learning from success to elicit school change