Leadership for society: Leading education for social mobility and integration.
Bloomsbury Educational Leadership Press, London.

Resilient leadership: School leaders thriving in adversity and crisis.
Emerald Press, UK.

The Collective Wisdom of Practice: Leading Our Professional Learning From Success.
Schechter, C. (2019). A Joint Publication of Corwin with Learning Forward.
- Forewords by Prof. Ellie Drago-Severson and Stephanie Hirsh.

Walking into School Administrative Roles: A Journey of Change and Development
Schechter, C. (2022). MOFET Press

Leading holistically: How schools, districts, and states improve systemically.
Shaked, H., Schechter, C., & Daly, A. (2018) (Eds.). Routledge, New-York.
- Foreword by Prof. Michael Fullan.

Self-regulated learning: Conceptualization, contribution, and empirically based models for teaching and learning.
Michalsky, T., & Schechter, C. (2017). (Eds. equal contributors). Yearbook of the NSSE (National Society for the Study of Education), Teachers College (TC), Columbia University, New York.
- Initiated by John Dewey in 1904. One of the few international editors.
- Foreword by Prof. Barry Zimmerman.

Systems thinking for school leaders: Holistic leadership for excellence in schools.
Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2017). Springer Press: New York, Dortrecht, London.
- Foreword by Prof. Michael Fullan.

Let us lead! School principals at the forefront of reforms.
Schechter, C. (2015). Let us lead! School principals at the forefront of reforms. Ramot: Tel-Aviv University Press.
- Da’as, R., & Schechter, C. (2025). Leadership for society: Leading education for social mobility and integration. Bloomsbury Educational Leadership Press, London.
- Schechter, C., & Halevi, L. (2023). Resilient leadership: School leaders thriving in adversity and crisis. Emerald Press, UK.
- Schechter, C. (2022). Walking into School Administrative Roles: A Journey of Change and Development. MOFET Press.
- Schechter, C. (2019). The Collective Wisdom of Practice: Leading Our Professional Learning From Success.
A Joint Publication of Corwin with Learning Forward. Forewords by Prof. Ellie Drago-Severson and Stephanie Hirsh. - Shaked, H., Schechter, C., & Daly, A. (2018) (Eds.). Leading holistically: How schools, districts, and states improve systemically. Routledge, New-York. Foreword by Prof. Michael Fullan.
- Michalsky, T., & Schechter, C. (2017). (Eds. equal contributors). Self-regulated learning: Conceptualization, contribution, and empirically based models for teaching and learning. Yearbook of the NSSE (National Society for the Study of Education), Teachers College (TC), Columbia University, New York.
- Initiated by John Dewey in 1904. One of the few international editors.
- Foreword by Prof. Barry Zimmerman.
- Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2017). Systems thinking for school leaders: Holistic leadership for excellence in schools. Springer Press: New York, Dortrecht, London. Foreword by Prof. Michael Fullan.
- Schechter, C. (2015). Let us lead! School principals at the forefront of reforms. Ramot: Tel-Aviv University Press.